遇洛神 - 新洛神賦

The "Luo River Goddess Encounter" poems were mixed with "Lovers" sung by Kathleen Battle. The beginning picture in video is 洛神花.

[遇洛神] by George Ku
那日子建遇美人, 美人容顏似鮮花.
今日我又遇美人, 美人艷色賽朝霞.
兩日悠悠隔千載, 美人風華依舊在.
莫非真有嫦娥藥, 抑或仙女下凡來?
心有所疑問美人, 美人對我娓娓道:
胭脂雖遮三分老, 情愛卻添七分嬌.
自從子建賦洛神, 夜夜賦聲耳旁繞.
若要青春能長久, 枕邊細語不可少.

Below is my translated English version:
[Luo River Goddess Encounter]
On that ancient day, that ancient poet met her,
And her face shines like fresh flower.
Today I met her again, she is like morning sun.
It has been a thousand years, her beauty remains.
Is that because of the longevity medicine?
Or she is really a Goddess from heaven.
My doubt let me to inquire her.
She told me slowly:
“Although the make-up makes me less old,
My feel of love makes me much younger”.
Since that ancient poem was written,
It was recited every night around my ears.
I found that fountain of youth
From my love whispering next to my pillow”.