Year 2012 Videos

中秋節快樂 2012 如詩如畫的元陽梯田 Song 夜來香 by Teresa Teng (鄧麗君):

Previous 2008 video, "Dreams" by Stevie Nicks: 雲南東川紅土地


何日君再來 by Teresa Teng (鄧麗君) and Harumi Miyako:

好花不常開 好景不常在
愁堆解笑眉 淚灑相思帶
今宵離別後 何日君再來
喝完了這杯 請進點小菜
人生難得幾回醉 不歡更何待
(來來來 喝完了這杯再說吧)
今宵離別後 何日君再來


我等著你回來 by 白光. Pictures from 英愛的誓言.

我等著你回來 我等著你回來
我想著你回來 我想著你回來
等你回來讓我開懷 等你回來讓我關懷
你為什麼不回來 你為什麼不回來
我要等你回來 我要等你回來
還不回來春光不再 還不回來熱淚滿腮
樑上燕子已回來 庭前春花為你開
你為什麼不回來 你為什麼不回來
我要等你回來 我要等你回來
還不回來春光不再 還不回來熱淚滿腮

我等著你回來 我等著你回來
我要等你回來 我要等你回來
還不回來春光不再 還不回來熱淚滿腮
樑上燕子已回來 庭前春花為你開
你為什麼不回來 你為什麼不回來
我要等你回來 我要等你回來
還不回來春光不再 還不回來熱淚滿腮


下面特別是為香港的愛迷們做, 同樣視頻(SOS LYA), 短點粵語版:
粵語"等妳等到我心痛" by 張學友 (Jacky Cheung).

在這美麗的夜裡 等妳等到我心碎
怎麼不見舊愛侶 問問為何我空虛
是我錯失的字句 把妳傷透我不對
今晚請妳念過去 來將心窩佔據

讓我繼續等下去 等妳等到我心碎
星星今晚伴我醉 就像同情我空虛
又再雨中等妳 痴痴的我已心碎 (心已碎)
眼眶的雨漸引退 人消失風雨裡

等妳等妳等妳 一世一世等妳
想妳想妳苦痛 等妳等到心痛

鄧麗君 的 月亮代表我的心

"Moon represents my heart" sung by Teresa Teng.

月亮代表我的心 (鄧麗君)
你問我愛你有多深 我愛你有幾分
我的情也真 我的愛也真
月亮代表我的心 你問我愛你有多深
我的情不移 我的愛不變
輕輕的一個吻 已經打動我的心
深深的一段情 教我思念到如今
你問我愛你有多深 我愛你有幾分
你去想一想 你去看一看

The moon represents my heart (Teresa Teng)
You ask me how deeply I love you
how much I love you
my feeling is real
my love is real
the moon represents my heart
You ask me how deeply I love you
how much I love you
my feeling doesn’t move
my love doesn’t change
the moon represents my heart
So lightly, that one kiss
already my heart beats hard
so deep is my feeling
it makes me think of this moment
You ask me how deeply I love you
how much I love you
go and think about this
go and look around
the moon represents my heart

李香蘭 的 恨不相逢未嫁時

See below "李香蘭 的 夜來香" post for more information.
"恨不相逢未嫁時" by 李香蘭 (山口淑子), 3:24 min.

Watch it in Vimeo.




Lyric translation of
“Hate not to meet when she is not married”

A spring breeze in the winter night
Stirs the stagnant water in my heart
Although the warm moment is gone
Who can forget the lost dreams

You left me a spring poem
Which makes me lonely every spring
Until the day I was the bride
Only started not to mention your name

But the fate likes to tease
So that we inadvertently met
We can only say hello lightly
How many sweet and bitter
Disappoint and pain are all wordless


粵語"每天愛妳多一些" by 張學友.

無求甚麼 無尋甚麼
突破天地 但求夜深
奔波以後 能望見你
妳可否 知道麼
平凡亦可 平淡亦可
自有天地 但求日出
清早到後 能望見你
那已經 很好過
不願離開 祗願留低
而每過一天 每一天 這醉者
便愛妳多些 再多些 至滿瀉
我發覺我最愛與妳編寫 OH OH
而每過一天 每一天 這醉者
便愛妳多些 再多些 至滿瀉
我最愛你與我這生一起 OH OH
名是甚麼 財是甚麼
是好滋味 但如在生
朝朝每夜 能望見妳
那更加 的好過
而每過一天 每一天 這情深者
便愛妳多些 然後再多一些
我最愛你與我這生一起 OH OH


This is my first time using Taiwanese, ^-^ there is dialect in the lyrics that may be not understandable to non-Taiwanese.
"Unforgettable Lover" 台語歌曲 "難忘的愛人" by 鄧麗君:

阿里郎 Arirang 아리랑

Arirang 아리랑 阿里郎 by 金美兒

鄧麗君 テレサ・テン 空港

Phew…this is my first time to subtitle Japanese and I don’t know Japanese. The lyric is very pretty, I guess…
"空港(Airport)" by Teresa Teng, 3:53 min.

Watch it in Vimeo.

(作詞:山上路夫 作曲:猪俣公章 編曲:川口真)
何も知らずに あなたは言ったわ
たまには一人の 旅もいいよと
雨の空港 デッキにたたずみ
手を振るあなた 見えなくなるわ
どうぞ帰って あの人のもとへ
私は一人 去ってゆく
いつも静かに あなたの帰りを
待ってるやさしい 人がいるのよ
雨にけむった ジェットの窓から
涙をこらえ さよなら言うの
どうぞもどって あの人のもとへ
私は遠い 街へゆく
愛は誰にも 負けないけれど
別れることが 二人のためよ
どうぞ帰って あの人のもとへ
私は一人 去ってゆく

空港 (機場) 歌詞中譯
什麼都沒有告訴你, 只是對你說:

鄧麗君 的 但願人長久

Music video about "Chang-e Flying to Moon" 嫦娥奔月.
"Just wish we last forever" sung by Teresa Teng, 2:28 min.

Watch it in Vimeo.

但願人長久 (宋) 蘇軾
明月幾時有, 把酒問青天。不知天上宮闕, 今昔是何年。
我欲乘風歸去, 唯恐瓊樓玉宇, 高處不勝寒。
起舞弄清影, 何似在人間。轉朱閣, 低綺戶, 照無眠。
不應有恨, 何事長向別時圓。
人有悲歡離合, 月有陰晴圓缺, 此事古難全。
但願人長久, 千里共嬋娟。

月下獨酌 - (唐) 李白
花間一壺酒 獨酌無相親
舉杯邀明月 對影成三人
月既不解飲 影徒隨我身
行樂須及春 我歌月徘徊
我舞影零亂 醒時同交歡
醉後各分散 永結無情遊

English translation:
Drinking Alone Under the Moon – Li Bai
(Not literally translated)
Among the pretty flowers with a pot of wine,
I drank alone and there was no one else.
I raised my cup to toast to the bright moon.
Together with my shadow, it made us three.
The moon was unable to drink,
and my shadow just tagged along.
Still for a while I had these companions.
The happy time was now in the spring.
I sang and the moon wobbled.
I danced and the shadow tumbled.
While I was awake, we were happy together.
While I was drunk, we lost each other.
Forever we were together in our journey.
Should we meet again in the Milky Way?

鄧麗君 的 獨上西樓

"Up to West Tower Alone" sung by Teresa Teng, 2:46 min.

Watch it in Vimeo.

李煜 (937-978)
無言獨上西樓 月如鉤
寂寞梧桐 深院鎖清秋
剪不斷 理還亂 是離愁

English translation:
Li Yu (937-978)
Quietly, I went up to the west tower alone.
The moon was in crescent shape.
The Wutong trees were lonely
Deep inside the courtyard in clear autumn.
That could not be severed by cutting
And more raveled by trying to disentangle
Was the sorrow of separation.
It remained a strange feeling in my heart

鄧麗君 的 甜蜜蜜

"Sweet Honey" sung by Teresa Teng, 3:28 min.

Watch it in Vimeo.

甜蜜蜜 你笑得甜蜜蜜
好像花兒開在春風裡 開在春風裡
*在那裡 在那裡見過你
我一時想不起 啊 在夢裡
#夢裡夢裡見過你 甜蜜笑得多甜蜜

English translation:
Sweet honey, your smile is as sweet as honey.
It is like flowers blooming in the spring breeze,
blooming in the spring breeze.
Where? Where did I see you?
Your smiling face is such familiar.
For a while, I do not remember.
Ah, in my dream.
In my dream, in my dream, I saw you.
Very sweet, your smile is very sweet.
It is you, it is you, you were in my dream.

史逸欣 的 綠島小夜曲

This is my first Chinese song music video. Lawrence liked this video and called from Canada, 3:18 min.

Watch it in Vimeo.
Watch it in Google.

這綠島像一隻船 在月夜裡搖呀搖
姑娘呀妳也在我的 心海裏飄呀飄…
讓我的歌聲隨那微風 吹開了你的窗簾
讓我的衷情隨那流水 不斷的向妳傾訴…
椰子樹的長影 掩不住我的情意
明媚的月光 更照亮了我的心…
這綠島的夜已經 這樣沉靜
姑娘呀妳為什麼 還是默默無語

English translation:
This green island is like a boat,
floating in the moonlight.
My darling, you too
are floating in the sea of my heart.
Let the sound of my song follow the breeze,
blowing open the curtain of your window.
Let my love follow the flowing water,
endlessly pouring out its feelings for you.
The long shadows of the palm trees
cannot conceal my love;
the bright beauty of the moonlight
casts its brilliance into my heart.
This green island night is so calm and serene —
my darling, why are you silent, saying nothing?

李香蘭 的 夜來香

The original recording is very old with noise. I used the re-engineered clean-up one given by Alice. "Fragrance of the Night" sung by Li Xiang Lan (Yoshiko Yamaguchi 山口淑子) who is the first Chinese popular singer using western technique. The blue sky and blue ocean in the video complement the night time scene in the song, 3:01 min.
夜來香 by 李香蘭 山口淑子:

Watch it in Vimeo.
夜來香(在日本) 李香蘭 山口淑子:

那南風吹來清涼 那夜鶯啼聲凄愴(輕唱)
月下的花兒都入夢 只有那夜來香
我愛這夜色茫茫 也愛著夜鶯歌唱
更愛那花一般的夢 擁抱著夜來香
夜來香 我為你歌唱
夜來香 我為你思量
啊... 我為你歌唱 我為你思量
夜來香 夜來香 ~~

English translation:
That southern breeze is cool and refreshing,
That nightingale is singing quietly.
Flowers under the moon are in dreams,
Only that fragrance of the night
Revealing its sweet scent.
I love this vast darkness of the night,
also love the nightingale’s singing,
further love those flower's dreams.
Embracing the fragrance of the night,
Kissing the fragrance of the night,
Fragrance of the night, I sing for you
Fragrance of the night, I think of you
Ah... I sing for you, I think of you
Fragrance of the night, fragrance of the night ~~

大長今 的 何茫然

Hamangyeon is a popular clip of Dae Jang Geum drama. The oboe was played by an international fan, Alice. The male and female vocals are from the drama. The oboe, vocals were matched to the lyric subtitles. Below two versions: (Oboe only)+(Oboe+Male+FemaleVocal) 如魚得水 3:39 min.

Watch it in Youtube.

하망연 Ha mang Yeon 何茫然
(韓文/ 韓文拼音/ 中文譯詞)
바람에 지는 아련한 사랑
pa ra me ji neng a ryon han sa rang
飄搖曲折的愛情 逐漸隨風消逝
별헤예 지듯 사라져가나
Peor hae ye ji de sa ra chyo ka na
천해를 괸들 못다할 사랑
chon hae rur kwein der mo da har sa rang
청상에 새겨 미워도 곱다
chong sang e sae kyo mi wo do kop da
猶如雋刻在晨霜中 縱然美麗也會逐漸消失
높고 늘진 하늘이 나더러 함께 살자 하더라
nop ko ner jin ha ne ri na do ro ham ke sar ja ha do ra
깊고 험한 바다로 살아 우닐 제 사랑은
kip ko hom han pa da ro sa ra u nier che sa rang un
遙望大海 我心隨著楚江
초강을 에워 흐르리
cho kang er e wo he re ri

遇洛神 - 新洛神賦

The "Luo River Goddess Encounter" poems were mixed with "Lovers" sung by Kathleen Battle. The beginning picture in video is 洛神花.

[遇洛神] by George Ku
那日子建遇美人, 美人容顏似鮮花.
今日我又遇美人, 美人艷色賽朝霞.
兩日悠悠隔千載, 美人風華依舊在.
莫非真有嫦娥藥, 抑或仙女下凡來?
心有所疑問美人, 美人對我娓娓道:
胭脂雖遮三分老, 情愛卻添七分嬌.
自從子建賦洛神, 夜夜賦聲耳旁繞.
若要青春能長久, 枕邊細語不可少.

Below is my translated English version:
[Luo River Goddess Encounter]
On that ancient day, that ancient poet met her,
And her face shines like fresh flower.
Today I met her again, she is like morning sun.
It has been a thousand years, her beauty remains.
Is that because of the longevity medicine?
Or she is really a Goddess from heaven.
My doubt let me to inquire her.
She told me slowly:
“Although the make-up makes me less old,
My feel of love makes me much younger”.
Since that ancient poem was written,
It was recited every night around my ears.
I found that fountain of youth
From my love whispering next to my pillow”.