鄧麗君 的 月亮代表我的心

"Moon represents my heart" sung by Teresa Teng.

月亮代表我的心 (鄧麗君)
你問我愛你有多深 我愛你有幾分
我的情也真 我的愛也真
月亮代表我的心 你問我愛你有多深
我的情不移 我的愛不變
輕輕的一個吻 已經打動我的心
深深的一段情 教我思念到如今
你問我愛你有多深 我愛你有幾分
你去想一想 你去看一看

The moon represents my heart (Teresa Teng)
You ask me how deeply I love you
how much I love you
my feeling is real
my love is real
the moon represents my heart
You ask me how deeply I love you
how much I love you
my feeling doesn’t move
my love doesn’t change
the moon represents my heart
So lightly, that one kiss
already my heart beats hard
so deep is my feeling
it makes me think of this moment
You ask me how deeply I love you
how much I love you
go and think about this
go and look around
the moon represents my heart

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