鄧麗君 的 但願人長久

Music video about "Chang-e Flying to Moon" 嫦娥奔月.
"Just wish we last forever" sung by Teresa Teng, 2:28 min.

Watch it in Vimeo.

但願人長久 (宋) 蘇軾
明月幾時有, 把酒問青天。不知天上宮闕, 今昔是何年。
我欲乘風歸去, 唯恐瓊樓玉宇, 高處不勝寒。
起舞弄清影, 何似在人間。轉朱閣, 低綺戶, 照無眠。
不應有恨, 何事長向別時圓。
人有悲歡離合, 月有陰晴圓缺, 此事古難全。
但願人長久, 千里共嬋娟。

月下獨酌 - (唐) 李白
花間一壺酒 獨酌無相親
舉杯邀明月 對影成三人
月既不解飲 影徒隨我身
行樂須及春 我歌月徘徊
我舞影零亂 醒時同交歡
醉後各分散 永結無情遊

English translation:
Drinking Alone Under the Moon – Li Bai
(Not literally translated)
Among the pretty flowers with a pot of wine,
I drank alone and there was no one else.
I raised my cup to toast to the bright moon.
Together with my shadow, it made us three.
The moon was unable to drink,
and my shadow just tagged along.
Still for a while I had these companions.
The happy time was now in the spring.
I sang and the moon wobbled.
I danced and the shadow tumbled.
While I was awake, we were happy together.
While I was drunk, we lost each other.
Forever we were together in our journey.
Should we meet again in the Milky Way?

1 comment:

Grace Liu said...

Good job! What a nice past time you have immersing in this endeavour of linking the east and the west and connecting the past and the present.

Grace Liu (Remember me?)